Allied Academies

Session 10: Nanomedicine and Nano Robotics

Session 10: Nanomedicine and Nano Robotics

Nanomaterials,biological devices, nanoelectronicbiosensors, and even anticipated future uses of molecular nanotechnology,including biological machines, are all included in the category of applications known as "nanomedicine." Nanomedicine isdescribed as highly specialised treatment at the nanoscale for biologicalsystem screening, diagnosis, and treatment. In the emerging field of nanorobotics,components for machines or robots are made that are only a few nanometers insize (10-9 metres). The field of nanotechnology design that focuses ondesigning and creating nanorobots (as opposed to microrobotics) is called nanorobotics. Researchers are currently working to construct nanomachines.

Associated Conferences: Nanotechnology Conferences 2020 | Nanotechnology Conferences 2020Nanotechnology and NanomedicineConference | NanotechnologyConferences 2020MaterialsScience and Engineering Event|Nanoscience and NanotechnologyConference | Nanoscienceand NanotechnologyMeetings | Nanomedicineand Nano Robotics Conference | Nanoscience and NanotechnologyEvent | PolymerScience and Technology|Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine Event | World Congress onNanotechnology and NanomedicineInternationalConference on Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine.

Related Associations: Institute of Nano Scienceand TechnologyCentre for Nanoand Soft Matter SciencesAmerican Chemical Society -Nanotechnology Safety ResourcesAmerican Societyfor Precision EngineeringBritish Society forNanomedicine, Czech Nanotechnology Industries Association, Erwin SchrödingerSociety for NanoscienceEuropeanSociety for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology EUSPEN, InternationalAcademy of Quantum Molecular Science, Nanotechnology IndustriesAssociation.

Associated Journals:Journal of Nanomedicine &Biotherapeutic Discovery | Journal of Nanomedicine &Nanotechnology | International Journal of Nanomedicine |European Journal of Nanomedicine | Nanomedicineand Nanobiotechnology| American Journal of Nanotechnology| Journal of NanoparticleResearch | Nanotechnology,Science and Applications | NanomedicineNanotechnology,Biology and Medicine | Journal of NanomedicineResearch (JNMR)

Associated Society:American Chemical Society - NanotechnologySafety Resources | American Society for Precision Engineering (ASPE) |British Society for Nanomedicine| International Association Of Nanotechnology| Nanotechnology world Association | Society For the Research and Studies ofNanotechnology | National Nanotechnology Association | American Society ofNanotechnology | New Zealand NanotechnologySociety | American Academy of Nanotechnology |National Institute for Nanotechnology | Nanotechnology Industries Association

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