Nanotechnology cancer treatmentsinclude the detection and eradication of cancer cells before they form tumors,as well as the destruction of cancer tumors with little damage to healthytissue and organs. Nanotechnology offers enormousopportunities in cancer therapy, diagnostics, and imaging, but bridging thetranslational gap is a difficult task. The majority of nanomedicine research is focusedon cancer. The enhanced permeability and retention effect causes nanoparticlesto selectively concentrate in solid tumors due to the presence of leakyvasculature and reduced lymphatic drainage. As a result, nanoparticles areideal for delivering diagnostic and/or imaging agents, chemotherapeutics,oligonucleotides, and immune regulators in order to improve their therapeuticindex. The majority of nanotechnology cancer treatmentattempts are still in the research or development stages. Many colleges andbusinesses around the world, however, are working in this field.
Associated Conferences: NanotechnologyConferences 2019 | NanotechnologyConferences 2019| Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine Conference | NanotechnologyConferences 2019| MaterialsScience and Engineering Event| Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference | Nanoscience and NanotechnologyMeetings | Nanomedicine and NanoRobotics Conference | Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Event | PolymerScience and Technology| Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine Event| World Congress on Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine | InternationalConference on Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine.
Related Associations: Instituteof Nano Science and Technology, Centre forNano and Soft Matter Sciences, AmericanChemical Society - Nanotechnology Safety Resources, American Society for Precision Engineering, British Society for Nanomedicine, CzechNanotechnology Industries Association, Erwin Schrödinger Society for Nanoscience, EuropeanSociety for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology EUSPEN,International Academy of Quantum Molecular Science, NanotechnologyIndustries Association.
Associated Journals: Journal of Nanomedicine& Biotherapeutic Discovery | Journal of Nanomedicine& Nanotechnology | International Journal of Nanomedicine | European Journal of Nanomedicine | Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology | American Journalof Nanotechnology | Journal of Nanoparticle Research | Nanotechnology,Science and Applications | Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine | Journalof NanomedicineResearch (JNMR)
Associated Society: American Chemical Society - Nanotechnology SafetyResources | American Society for Precision Engineering (ASPE) | BritishSociety for Nanomedicine | International AssociationOf Nanotechnology |Nanotechnology world Association | Society For the Research and Studies ofNanotechnology | National Nanotechnology Association | American Society ofNanotechnology | New Zealand Nanotechnology Society | American Academyof Nanotechnology | National Institute forNanotechnology | Nanotechnology Industries Association